In an era of perfectionists, a well-illustrated house with an exquisite and robust roof is the daydream of a lot of people. And, these days, home occupants do have a plethora of roofing options to choose from. The difference in kinds and colours, quality and appearance have become the primary concern of people when it comes to choosing roofing materials. Among all, the modern-day crowd is predominantly inclined towards roofing their houses with slat and timber roof shingles because of the number of perks provided by them.
Timber and slate roof shingles are famous as they impart an aesthetic appearance to your home and forms a discernible attraction that can stand out in all types of weather conditions. Additionally, they also confer to the feeling of warmth and protection to a whole new level than any other roof shingles. This context will specifically unravel the various advantages of using timber and slate roof shingles that you should consider. Read on to know them.
Reasons to go with slate roof shingles:
- The slate roof shingles are manufactured in such a way that can withstand all weather types along t=with excessive heat and heavy downpour. The material used in producing slate shingles help them to remain intact for a prolonged period. Customarily, there were many types of roofing materials that could outlast several years but, slate shingles can survive for more than hundreds of years if maintained properly. It would not be impractical to say that slate shingles, when installed properly by the licensed roofing installers and taken are properly, can live for more than 200 years.
- Slate roof shingles are slightly above when it comes to the price for purchasing it than any other roofing material. But you can surely consider them if you want to give your home an expensive and one of the finest looks. Your house is the only asset you possess for your entire life and investing in it can be granted irrespective of any situation. So, if you are ready to invest in these shingles, you can be assured for the rest of the years of your life.
- Slate is extremely resistant to heat and can easily prevent burns. This is a complete bonus for those who want to give their house an appealing look. Those who are looking forward to roofing their houses with slate, they will presumably never want to add another shelter material- slate roofs are a one-time investment with a long-time return.
Reasons to choose timber roof shingles:
- Timber roof shingles are mainly known for the charm it gives to the houses. Moreover, this appealing look does not fade away with time which makes this roofing material more novel in undeniable terms. Besides possessing a captivating aesthetic look, they add on to the qualities of long-lasting, durability, robustness, and rustic texture.
- Timber roof shingles have high endurance to almost all-weather types and they spread out an irresistible fragrance. They are mainly known to embody a noteworthy contentment to your house. Homeowners love the characteristic aroma of these shingles which makes it a primary choice for most of them.
- If your preference is having an architectural-style house, it would be a high recommendation to go for timber roof shingles. The functionality of these shingles makes them a prudish for a number of apartments.
Choosing these shingles would be the best thing to do to serve your asset with a fine and an impressive appearance. For advice on the best shingles for your roof, contact The Slate Roofing Company today for a no obligation quote.