Synthetic slate, usually composed of plastic or rubber resembles real slate in appearance. Some roofing firms will experiment with employing it because it’s simpler to create and costs less money to produce, hoping to make a bigger profit. That’s incorrect. Here, we’re referring to the roof over your family. The lifetime warranty they give you on that kind of material is untrue. If the synthetic slate keeps its shape for five years without curling or discolouring, you’ll be lucky.
Some people claim that the synthetic slate would survive for 90 to 100 years, which would be fantastic, but there is no proof that it will stand up for that long given that testing for synthetic slate has only recently been an option. In contrast to the hundreds of years that natural slate has been in use, businesses are promoting synthetic materials and providing fictitious warranties on goods that have only been around for as long as their business.
Benefits of synthetic slate
Cost of synthetic shingles
The initial cost of installing synthetic slate shingles sits in the middle of a scale comparing the prices of typical roofing materials; it costs more as compared to asphalt and architectural shingles while costing less than clay tile and real slate. Synthetic slate roofs, in contrast to less expensive asphalt shingles, can endure up to 100 years, while most synthetic slate shingles come with 50-year guarantees.
The synthetic shingles are designed to alter the appearance and functionality of traditional shingles while offering additional benefits. By providing excellent protection against moisture, UV rays, and damage, the shingles offer enhanced energy efficiency compared to their traditional counterparts. For more information, please contact The Slate Roofing Company today.