Installing solar panel is an easy procedure that you can do it by yourself. This context will shed light on the steps you can follow to install a solar panel on your own. This solar installation guide is mainly for an off-grid solar panel system, which is quite an easy thing to install. A prospective buyer of solar panel will benefit from reading this post. However, if you are too baffled to use the do-it-yourself technique, you can of course opt for the professional installers.
Here is how can install the solar panel. Read through the steps to get a better understanding of the installing process.
Step 1: Decide on the direction you want your solar panel to face
The base of a solar panel is formed by the mounting structure. Since the structure forms the base, it has to be made of a robust material and fastened tightly with the roof top of the premises you want to install it on. The base is generally made up of aluminum. Solar panels generally function depending on the direction they are placed. They can do wonders if they face the sunlight. So, whenever you decide to install a solar panel on your roof top, make sure you face the panel in the direction of south. Because this is where they can receive the maximum sunlight.
Step 2: Decide on the angle you
The tilt angle at which you need to place the panels will be decided by the latitude of the area you reside. Placing the panels at an angle that is equivalent to the latitude of your location would generate the maximum sunlight absorption, and hence, the maximum result. The conversion efficiency can be increased by using solar tracker.
Step 3: Assemble the panels
The next important step after fixing the solar panels accurately is ensuring all bolts and nuts of each panel is fixed properly with the solar structure. Ensuring this will provide a long-lasting shelf-life to the solar panels.
Step 4: Electrical wiring
Connecting the wires of panels becomes easier when you use MC4 connectors. This is an universal connector which makes connecting faster. In series connection, connect positive to negative wire and in parallel connection, connect to parallel to parallel and negative to negative.
Step 5: Solar inventor and solar panel connection
Connect the positive wire of solar panel with positive terminal of the inverter and negative wire with the negative terminal of the inverter.
Step 6: Solar battery and solar inventor connection
Connect the battery’s positive terminal with the positive wire of the inverter. This will ensure storing the power backup. Battery will recharge the solar panel when connected with the inverter.
Step 7: Grid and solar inverter connection
This is an easy step as all you will need to do is connect the inverter wire to the main switch board so that it gets the electricity form the grid. Connect the output wire as well to supply electricity to the home.
These are the few and easy steps you need to follow to install solar panel on your rooftop. Go through them thoroughly and install one at your home today. If you live in Sydney or the South Coast of NSW or the Southern Highlands, then the experienced and professional team at The Slate Roofing Company are keen to assist you! Contact us now.