When specified and fitted in the correct way, lead roofing materials can provide an effective shield to the house and act as a good waterproof barrier for an extended period. Together with the durability and flexibility, lead sheet works as the best flashing material for slate roofing company. Lead does not require regular maintenance due to its hardiness, flexibility, long shelf-life, and durability. Having said that, it is still a good idea to conduct a thorough maintenance after any bad weather. This will ensure that the material is affixed to the tiles correctly.
If you are baffled about how to maintain the lead roofs, it is quite simple. You do not need to worry with the maintenance as long as you can be consistent with the ways. Read on to know the lead roof maintenance tips.
Inspect roof penetrations
A house has a number of roof penetrations, including drains, pipes, and several other protruded components that penetrate through the roof surface. Greater the number of roof penetrations, more the roof will be susceptible to leaks. Therefore, it is extremely vital to conduct examination of the conduit, gas lines, pipe boots, HVAC units, vents, and root collars. If you find your roof leaking, you need to call the roof maintenance professionals and get the lead roof diagnosed and repaired.
Remove debris
If you are fond of gardening, you must be having huge trees all around your premises. Although you love those long trees, you definitely do not like the fact that debris like twigs and leaves from those trees make the roof dirty. It is understandable to maintain the greenery, but you also need to take care of your roofs. Debris, such as gravel, twigs, dirt, and leaves can retain water if left for a long time. This can affect the quality of the lead and will eventually bubble away from the surface.
Inspect roof surfaces
A regular visual inspection is essential for every roofing material, especially for lead roofs. Inspect for any potential cracks, back-outs, and holes. On the built-up lead roofs look for places that are exposed to felts and have missing gravel. Inspect transitions for holes and roof seams and have them sealed as early as possible. You might feel the roof membrane is getting damaged, and therefore, you need justification through professional examination.
Inspect sealant
Check if there is any caulking issues or sealant, including cracking, crazing, openings, and deterioration. You will probably find a sealant failure around perimeter flashings and penetrations. To avoid sealant failures you need to check the lead roofs thoroughly and on a regular basis. If you find one, contact a roof maintenance professional instantly to avoid further severe issues.
Monitor the roof flashing
Flashing is immensely dangerous that directly puts the lead’s shelf life at risk. Therefore, you will require to look at the lead roofs and check them on a regular basis and check the flashing on or around the lead roof. Flashing can lead to quick wear out of the layers of shingles. Regular checks will keep you informed about the flashings and help you know the actual time when you need to replace the flashing.
You can follow these tips and contribute to lead’s extended shelf-life. If you find any issue with your lead roof similar to the ones mentioned above, get in touch with a professional at the Slate Roofing Company and get it repaired as early as possible! Did you know that The Slate Roofing Company services all of Sydney, the South Coast and also the Southern Highlands? Now is a great time to get in touch with us for your new roof or roof repair.