Slate is a natural material and is largely preferred for its roofing needs. With a lifespan of more than 100 years, the material is durable and long lasting. The fixings and supporting timbers might at times deteriorate before the slate tiles and need a simple repair or replacement. The timber components such as underlayment, battens, and rafters are made of softwood and are susceptible to insect infestation, decay, and weathering. To prevent this from happening, it is crucial to repair or replace the roof.
When deciding whether to repair or replace a roof, it is crucial to consider the following factors:
Present situation
The best way to go forward is by staying informed. Whether you need to re-slate or repair a roof, you need to assess the extent of the deterioration. Do not forget to regularly inspect to tackle the problems before they get any worse and the cost escalates. Get in touch with a renowned roofer to address your concerns.
Assess the extent of damage
The task of assessing slippers, missing, or broken slates externally can be challenging. To make things easier, it is important to inspect whether they are scattered or located in one area. If it is in one single area, then the problem might be with some other aspect, such as a chimney flashing.
Things to do if slate tile roof needs repair
Missing, broken, or slipped slates need replacing or re-securing with the help of copper wire or strap fixings. When a building inspector finds a repair done with lead or copper clips, it might signify the end of slate tile roof and recommend that it be recovered.
A high-quality mastic helps you avoid this and provides a solution that lasts as long as the traditional methods. It is recommended not to use foam or treatments comprising bituminous type, as they reduce ventilation, and increases the risk of timber decay. The slates become reusable by the time they need to be replaced. This is why you must not reverse your old slates, as they still have value, and you can store them for re-dressing and use it later.
Things to do if slate tile roofs need to be replaced
Replacing a roof can be a serious investment. Hence, it is recommended to always have discussions over material replacement with the local planning authority. To make your slate roof look good, it is essential to understand the type of roof being replaced. For example, the slate roofs seen on older properties in Wales, Scotland, and Cornwall are rustic in character. It has rough-textured slates that become smaller towards the top of the roof, known as diminishing courses. Replacing such a roof will require a different approach as compared to a roof that has non-textured slates.
Lastly, it is always a good idea to consult a reputable contractor and get their opinion. Expert guidance will help you form an accurate judgement and assist you in making the right choice.