When installed correctly, slate is one of the most durable roofing materials available in the market. Slate roofs stand the test of time quite efficiently. However, when problems arise in these roofing structures, fixing them can be a bit difficult. It is advisable not to try anything new under these circumstances. Also, do not attempt to repair the roof by yourself. This can prove to be a futile affair. Always consult a professional roofer in this regard. Slate roofs have several benefits associated with it, namely, durability, timeless look, fireproof ability, etc.
Best Time for Slate Roof Inspection
Unlike other roofing materials, slate roofs require minimal maintenance from the part of homeowners. However, just like other roofing structures, there is also a need for checkups. The best time to inspect a slate roof is the spring season. Do not try to fix issues in your slate roof during the winter months. This can further damage your roofing structure.
You need to repair a slate roof immediately if you notice that some part of it is broken. You may need to call a roofing contractor in case of serious issues. You can also choose to repair the slate roof by yourself. But, before that, you need to have the proper equipment in your hand. It is always a good idea to purchase certain extra material in case of emergencies. Show the purchased products to your roofing contractor. With his assistance, you can make use of these accessories quite effectively.
Slate Roof Repair Process
When you are ready to repair a slate roof, you should remember that slate roofs have a very slippery surface. Before putting your hands in operation, you need to locate the exact area of damage. Thereafter, pull the new slate just above the damaged slate so that you can easily replace it. This will help you to remove the damaged slate.
After taking the new slate you need to drill nail holes to secure the new slate in the correct position. For installing the new slate in the proper position, you can also make use of nails or slate hooks. The best option would be to use slate hooks when you are trying to repair a slate roof. You should repeat the above-mentioned steps for replacing each damaged slate.
More often, individuals forget to remove the debris from the gutters after a slate roof is repaired. This should be avoided under all circumstances. After repairing a slate roof, you should remove the rubbish from the gutters immediately. Most of the time, the debris comprises work accessories, pieces of slate tiles, and other residues from the winter months. Untreated gutters can further cause water damage to your newly-installed slate roof. During winter, this water turns into ice and there is every possibility of gutters detaching from the roofing structure.
Before installing a slate roof in your house, you should be aware of its pros and cons. The repairing process is no doubt complex and needs to be handled with care. Take immediate measures if issues in the slate roofing structures are giving you headaches. Contact our friendly and experienced team today to learn more about how we can inspect and potentially repair your slate roof.