The types of slate roofs are very diverse. Just like any other roof, it functions to protect your home from rain, snow, storm, and extreme weather, providing shelter to you, your family and your belongings. At The Slate Roofing Company, we achieve this with adaptable installation processes that have proven successful throughout the past decade, as well as state-of-the-art equipment to address the ever-evolving requirements. If you are about to buy slate for roofing, here are some of the types you can choose from to give your home the best look in the neighbourhood.
Uniform or Standard Slate Roofs: These roofs are usually made using ¼” to ⅜” slate featuring square-cut butts and a standard length and width. This roof is set down in invariable spaces.
Patterned Slate Roofs: We combine a variety of shapes or colours in a design, banding, single accents or courses to create a unique slate roof design. Due to the requirements of the layout, we usually introduce these design patterns into standard slate roofs. Names, dates, geometrical and floral patterns, or words can be used. Previously, a few slate quarries and distributors would also offer pattern catalogues.
Multicoloured Slate Roofs: Many homeowners consider the idea of mixing different colours to give life to a “blended” slate roof. It is highly common wherever colour varieties are available. While this idea can be used in uniform roofing, your home can also boast a random-width, multicoloured slate roof, which is widely preferred by people across Sydney and the South Coast. The standard numbers are either four or two colour combos, but you can get creative with as many as you like. However, too many colours will likely contrast each other. So, you should choose neutral colours for this slate roof type.
Random Width Slate Roofs: This slate roof type is similar to a standard slate roof but uses the same thickness and length in different widths. To facilitate enough joint offset, we lay them in courses without considering the alignment.
Graduated Length Slate Roofs: This type of slate roof holds its roots back in the past where slate would be available as per production and not according to lengths and widths. Because of this, the roofers would sort and choose the required slate on the spot. This roof features the widest and longest slates at the eves and slowly shortens on its way up to the top. We believe that the installation of this slate roof type is successful only when you cannot notice breaks between the lengths while they go up.
Textural Slate Roofs: This is perhaps the most unusual slate roof type; something you would see in a fairytale. For this type, we use rough slates that are thick and textured to create an uneven looking roof. By installing slates of various thickness next to each other, a sturdy and mysterious appearance is created.
These are some of the best slate roof types for your home. You can choose depending on the look of your home or surrounding, or ask us at The Slate Roofing Company for recommendations based on your desire. Regardless of the type you choose, give your house the well-deserved look with slate. Contact our team today to learn more.