When it comes to domestic roofing projects, slates are highly rated. They are often regarded as the gold standard in residential roofing projects. Slates are manufactured from sedimentary rocks (naturally metamorphosed). The composition is either volcanic ash or clay. So naturally, slate roofs possess enormous power to withstand the harshness of nature and last long enough with minimal maintenance. Homeowners rate slate roofs heavily over other options.
Let’s focus on the top 4 benefits of slate roofs:
Slate roofs are naturally tough and hence offer strong resistance against elements like fire, storm, snow, and mould. Also, slate roofs absorb water in low amounts. During severe storms and strong winds, the naturally heavy slate tiles will never get dislocated or blown away. Since slates offer a low water absorption feature, they are least prone to water damaged. So naturally, the overall maintenance cost will be lower compared to other options.
Believe it or not, slate roofs have a normal life span of around 100 years. With proper maintenance, the slate roofing unit may even last for around 120-150 years. However, make sure the installation is also done properly. Since slate roofs are made from natural stones, they can withstand the harshness of nature and lasts a lifetime without troubling the owners. They are tough and somewhat indestructible. There will be no need for the regular roof repairing with these roof structures. Just a bit of maintenance occasionally and the quality will remain intact.
Slates roofs are made from natural stones and hence, eco-friendly. They never get worn out when exposed to nature for long. As a result, they do not require replacement every couple of years. Even if you replace a slate tile with a new one, the old ones will never cause any burden to nature. Being eco-friendly, they are recyclable and can be reused for other purposes. Usually, slate roofs last over a hundred years with ease.
Slate roofs are naturally beautiful and can have a positive impact on the overall external decor of the house. Slate roofing units create a stylish appeal and reflect a certain opulence and class. Slate tiles are available in different patterns, textures, colours, sizes, shapes, and styles. If you have a taste for design, slate roofs can be the best choice to consider. Slate tiles are available in different shades, be they purple, grey, green, black, or red. You will also find tiles available in multiple colours.
Find an experienced slate roofing contractor to get the project carried out like the friendly team at The Slate Roofing Company. Proper installation of the slate roofing unit will ensure a lifetime of assurance for the roof with minimal maintenance. You can hire the best contractors from The Slate Roofing Company for the best results. Visit our home page to have a look at the wide range of options available for the slates.